Depending on the nature of your physical issue, your physical therapist, such as from South Shore Wellness Center, will often assist you in a number of ways during a routine treatment. One method that the therapist will commonly use is taping — at the end of the appointment, the therapist will tape the affected area to provide strength and stability, and may show you how to do subsequent taping jobs yourself in the days that follow your appointment.
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What do you think of chiropractic care? Even though many people have benefited greatly from this type of medical treatment, there are still those who think chiropractic care is ineffective, dangerous, or a scam. This could not be further from the truth. Because numbers talk, here are four statistics to help change your mind about the usefulness and effectiveness of chiropractic care.
Of patients who underwent manual manipulation treatment for lower back pain, 94% saw a 30% reduction in pain.
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When most people think of a chiropractor, they think of a place they can turn to if they have done something to their back specifically. However, there are a lot of other times when a chiropractor can be of service to you. Here are some of the times when you may want to visit a chiropractor:
For neck and back pain
As stated above, the commonly known reason for paying a visit to your chiropractor is to get relief for neck and back pain.
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If you are experiencing pain in your back this summer, make some changes to get your back to work again this summer. Make an appointment to see your chiropractor, budget and schedule a few massages and be sure to increase your movement this summer to combat your back pain.
#1 Visit Your Chiropractor
The first thing that you should do is visit your chiropractor, such as at Dimond Chiropractic Center. Your chiropractor can help manual adjust your back and ensure that your spine and muscles are in the proper alignment and right place.
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If you work long hours that often result in tension headaches that cause you moderate to extreme discomfort, the following tips will assist with reducing pain so that you can go about your daily routine and rest comfortably without being distracted.
Tranquil Setting
Hang dark-colored drapes over the windows in your bedroom. Purchase a new comforter and pillow set that is made from cushioned fabric. Place a fan that does not make much noise near the top side of your bed or install a window air conditioning unit in the room.
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